Xi Jinping: The BRICS countries should have the courage to take responsibility and inject positive, stable and constructive forces into the world – MasterH杂货铺

Xi Jinping: The BRICS countries should have the courage to take responsibility and inject positive, stable and constructive forces into the world

On the evening of June 23, Chinese President Xi Jinping presided over the 14th BRICS Leaders' Meeting by video in Beijing. Xi Jinping pointed out that looking back over the past year, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has spread everywhere, the world economic recovery has been tortuous, and the issues of peace and security have become more prominent. Facing the severe and complex situation, we have always adhered to the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, strengthened solidarity and cooperation, and worked together to overcome difficulties. The BRICS mechanism has shown resilience and vitality, and BRICS cooperation has achieved positive progress and results. Xi Jinping stressed that this meeting is at a critical juncture of where human society is headed. As important emerging market countries and major developing countries, the BRICS countries must be brave in their responsibilities and actions, and inject positive, stable and constructive forces into the world.

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