Month: June 2022
如何优化前端性能 减少请求数量。 合理规划利用请求,合理利用缓存技术减少不必要的频繁请求。 缩短请求时间 优化资源加载方式。 script 加载。考虑异步请求资源,合理利用 script 加载方式,script 脚本的执行只在默认的情况下是同步和阻塞的。 减少重排(reflow)重绘(repaint)。减少不必要的 DOM 深度。 HTML全局属性有哪些 id: 元素 id,同一文档内 id 不能重复,具有唯一性。 dir: 设置元素文本方向。 lang: 使用的语言 style: 行内
Text 节点由 Text 类型表示,包含按字面解释的纯文本,也可能包含转义后的 HTML 字符,但不 含 HTML 代码。 特征: nodeType 等于 3 nodeName 值为"#text" nodeValue 值为节点中包含的文本 parentNode 值为 Element 对象 不支持子节点 方法: appendData(text),向节点末尾添加文本 text
The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. Given
It can be hard to be vulnerable at work, but research suggests it can have many benefits. Over the past two years, the line between
Summary Expected returns are positively related to the trading volume of undervalued stocks and negatively related to the trading volume of overvalued stocks. As a
On the evening of June 23, Chinese President Xi Jinping presided over the 14th BRICS Leaders’ Meeting by video in Beijing. Xi Jinping pointed out
The biggest pain for investors is choosing the right track and betting on the wrong person, and the greatest happiness is getting on the wrong
The so-called "breaking out" is the capacity to discover a answer even in the face of a complicated situation. To put it simply, it is